Frozen In The Glass

This is a poem I wrote back in October of 2022. I don't know about you but I have the seasonal depression and triggers that hit right around that time of year. I grew up working a dairy farm and I still feel the sense that impending doom is coming. Perhaps it's my body remembering the impending doom. Either way, if you relate or have similar experiences just know that you are not alone. I was able to cry it out and write this poem and move past the feeling of horror that seemed to be haunting my soul that morning. I hope this finds you well and that you have support around you.


Much Love Fam,

Amanda Lynn


Frozen In The Glass


I’ve been trapped a long long time

The ice stairs back at me

It’s like I’m frozen in some glass

That no one else can see


The winters that we lived back then

Were cruel and unforgiving

The life I lived, the smell of death

Made life feel not worth living


The chimes ring out like dancing ice

That tumble through the spruce

I feel connected to her gaze

My fingers skim her grooves


A cold and dreary winter

All that’s heard is wind a howling

But through the glistening of the snow

There’s evil and it’s scowling


No one knows you’re here

You'll never get away

A smile a smirk

A twitch and jerk

It laughs and lopes away


I’m left to fall upon my knees

The snow packs and it crunches

I bow to pray to no abet

My aching back it hunches


There’s beauty all around I see

It’s glistening in the snow

I feel a wisp so cold and crisp

It sinks me down so low


Perhaps one day I’ll find a way

To see the beauty in the cold

But not just yet

My winters debt

Is owed an evil toll


How long must I feel so trapped?

The evil smirks with glee

I pray devotion, cut it fast

So one day I’ll be free


I’ve been trapped a long long time

The ice stairs back at me

For now I’m frozen in the glass

That no one else can see

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